The 13th Gwangju Biennale “GB Talks: Minds Rising, Spirits Tuning” Part 2
2020. 1. 7. (Tue.) 16:00 - 1800
MMCA, Seoul " Perpetual Spring" (1F, Museum Madang)

The second event of the 2020 Gwangju Biennale <GB Talk: Rising Mind, Welcoming the Spirit> was held at the National Museum of Contemporary Art, Seoul.
Following the Gwangju event in October, the project was based on collected research by visiting the Gwangju 5.18 Democratization Movement Archives, Gwangju Theater, Baekyangsa Temple, and Seoul Shamanism Museum. Participating artists Ana Maria Milan, Pemke Hereiraben, Ed Minolity, Korakrit Arunnannonchai, and Moon Kyungwon had an artist talk about digital culture, feminism, and its performance relationship; how to build a virtual world through science fiction; and how to explore urban history through the platform of collective intelligence.
* Introduction: Defne Ayas & Natasha Ginwala, Artistic Directors, Gwangju Biennale 2020, Özge Ersoy, Research and Programming Associate
-Ana María Millán & Jinjoo Kim: On the relations between digital cultures, feminism, and performativity
-Femke Herregraven: In data models of cat bonds and how they testify of ecological catastrophes and the prospect role of female voice in all of this
-Ad Minoliti :On the Feminist School of Painting and how to use pictorial genre to discuss painting, gender, and race
-Korakrit Arunanondchai: On his long-term obsession on Ghosts, specifically the historical relationship between monks and cinema
-Sahej Rahal: On world-building practices through fiction
-Cian Dayrit & Timoteus A Kusno: On mythology and storytelling devices to address what is deemed ‘lost’ and the coloniality of power
-Moon Kyungwon & Joowon Park: On platforms of collective intelligence and urban history through sentient forms