Tokyo Wonder Site Academy
2013.3. 24 - 3. 30
International Ensemble Modern & Tokyo Wonder Site Academy Vol.6
Tokyo Wonder Site Aoyama, Tokyo Women’s Plaza Hall
MOON Kyungwon and JEON Joonho participated as tutors of collaborative performance works and the Academy at the Tokyo Wonder Site, together with Ensemble Modern, a chamber ensemble and academy based in Frankfurt, Germany dedicated to contemporary experimental music, Danny Yung, a director for contemporary performance arts in Hong Kong and Singapore and Toshi Ichiyanagi, a collaborator of the NEWS FROM NOWHERE project as well as composer of avant-garde music.
MOON and JEON presented the meaning and results of the collaborations carried out through the NEWS FROM NOWHERE project. During the seminar period, in-depth discussions, along with lectures on each genre, took place. Moreover, they carried out mentoring for young artists under the theme of the Academy as well as a collaborative performance with Ensemble Modern, Danny Yung and Toshi Ichiyanagi at the Tokyo Women’s Plaza Hall at 2 p.m. on March 30th.
Through the collaborative experimental art performance, a prologue-like sketch performance was completed. Collaboration with Ensemble Modern is scheduled for 2014.
John Cage×Daisetz Suzuki×Toshi Ichiyanagi
After World War II, American art dismantled existing conventions and experimented in new forms of investigation and creation. Within this current, John Cage encountered the Zen through Daisetz Suzuki and opened up the musical horizon, not only influencing the arts but profoundly changing the way people live. For his part, Daisetz Suzuki disseminated Zen, the origin of Eastern modes of perception, throughout the world so that it could play a role in the new global culture and become a deeper way of exploring human existence. Ichiyanagi worked with Cage in New York, and after returning to Japan he carried out numerous experimental avant-garde projects, while at the same time creating new forms of expression from Japanese ancient culture and traditional spaciotemporal concepts. With the global economic crisis, the Jasmine Revolution, the earthquake disaster of March 11, 2011 and so on, today's world is in need of a major shift in values, and it is in this situation that the Academy is focusing on Cage, Daisetz and Ichiyanagi. In 2013, John Cage's 100th anniversary + 1, we will take another important step together with Ichiyanagi, Ensemble Modern, and young artists.
Program details and references:

2013.3. 24~3. 30
앙상블 모던, 대니영, 이치야나기와의 협업 공연 및 아카데미 참여
International Ensemble Modern & Tokyo Wonder Site Academy Vol.6
Tokyo Wonder Site Aoyama, Tokyo Women’s Plaza Hall
독일 프랑크 프루트를 중심으로 실험음악과 아카데미를 운영하는 앙상블 모던, 홍콩 및 싱가포르에서 현대 공연예술의 중요한 연출을 맡아 온 대니 영, 그리고 뉴스프럼노웨어의 협업자이자 전위 음악 작곡가 인 토시 이치야나기 선생님과 함께 도쿄 원더사이트에서 진행된 협업 공연 작업과 아카데미의 튜터로 참여했다.
문경원. 전준호는 뉴스프롬노웨어 프로젝트를 통해 진행된 협업의 의미와 결과들을 소개했다. 세미나 기간 중 각 장르간의 강연과 함께 심도 있는 논의가 진행되었다. 또한 아카데미의 주제 아래 젊은 예술가들의 멘토링을 진행했고, 앙상블 모던, 대니영, 이치야나기 선생님과 협업으로 구성된 실험 예술 공연을 3.30일 2시에 동경 플라자 홀에서 발표했다.
이 번 협업의 실험 예술 공연을 통해 프롤로그와 같은 스케치 공연이 이루어졌고, 앙상블 모던과는 추후 2014년 협업이 진행될 예정이다.
John Cage×Daisetz Suzuki×Toshi Ichiyanagi After World War II, American art dismantled existing conventions and experimented in new forms of investigation and creation. Within this current, John Cage encountered the Zen through Daisetz Suzuki and opened up the musical horizon, not only influencing the arts but profoundly changing the way people live. For his part, Daisetz Suzuki disseminated Zen, the origin of Eastern modes of perception, throughout the world so that it could play a role in the new global culture and become a deeper way of exploring human existence. Ichiyanagi worked with Cage in New York, and after returning to Japan he carried out numerous experimental avant-garde projects, while at the same time creating new forms of expression from Japanese ancient culture and traditional spaciotemporal concepts. With the global economic crisis, the Jasmine Revolution, the earthquake disaster of March 11, 2011 and so on, today's world is in need of a major shift in values, and it is in this situation that the Academy is focusing on Cage, Daisetz and Ichiyanagi. In 2013, John Cage's 100th anniversary + 1, we will take another important step together with Ichiyanagi, Ensemble Modern, and young artists.
자세한 프로그램 진행과 자료 :