2013. 5. 14 - 5. 26
Home Works 6 Forum on Cultural Practices and various events including lectures, screenings and exhibitions took place in Beirut from May 14th to 26th, 2013. Home Works 6, curated by Christine Tohme, included lectures, screenings, publications and performances, and it took place in various meaningful venues such as the Beirut Art Center. Moreover, the X-Apartments project produced by Tarek Abou, El Fetouh and Matthias Lilienthal was held along with the various programs curated by Christine Tohme.
A video work by MOON Kyungwon and JEON Joonho was invited as a screening program.
Home Works 6
Beirut Art Center

2013. 5. 14~5. 26 Home Works 6 프로그램에 참여
2013년 5월 14일 부터 26일까지 홈워크 6의 포럼, 강연, 스크리닝, 전시등 다양한 행사가 베이루트에서 진행되었다. 제 6회 홈 워크는 크리스틴 촘메에 의해 큐레이팅 된 강연, 스크리닝, 출판, 그리고 퍼포먼스등으로 이루어져 있으며 베이루트 아트센터 및 여러 의미있는 장소에서 진행되었다. 홈 워크에서는 타렉 아부, 엘 페토, 마티아스 릴리엔탈에 의해 구성된 프로젝트X-Apartments가 크리스틴 촘메가 기획한 다양한 프로그램과 함께 열렸다.
문경원, 전준호의 영상작업이 스크리닝 프로그램에 초대되었다.
Home Works 6, curated by Christine Tohme, will include lectures, screenings, publications and performances — as well as the exhibition program curated by Tarek Abou El Fetouh and the X-Apartments project produced by Matthias Lilienthal with the participants of Ashkal Alwan's Home Workspace Program 2012-13.
Home Works 6
Beirut Art Center