Exhibition Opening Reception and Exhibition Dates
September 21–December 21 Opening reception: Friday, September 20, 6:00–8:00 p.m. Sullivan Galleries, 33 S. State St., 7th floor

Related Events including Lectures, Screenings, Workshops and Seminars
Visiting Artists Program Lecture: MOON Kyungwon and JEON Joonho
September 16, 6:00 p.m. SAIC Columbus Auditorium

The opening of the NEWS FROM NOWHERE exhibition was held at the Sullivan Galleries, School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC) on September 21. The exhibition opening was a great success as many people attended the occasion alongside many other cultural events including Exposition Chicago and World Music Festival. The exhibition design stood out as it interpreted the spatial characteristics of the Sullivan Galleries well, and the newly created AVYAKTA, the follow-up to El Fin del Mundo, took center stage as it received favorable evaluations. Seminar, workshop, screening program, forum and lecture are organized to take place during the exhibition period, and the output of the workshop, which will be held together with SAIC faculty and students, will also be exhibited. The exhibition will continue until December 21.

Prior to this, MOON Kyungwon and JEON Joonho carried out an artist talk to introduce the project and its works to around 300 people, composed of students, faculty and the public, at the Columbus Auditorium on September 16 at 6 p.m. With the exhibition opening ahead, MOON and JEON presented the steps of the NEWS FROM NOWHERE project until now and the processes of the exhibition as well as introduced each of their world of artworks and significance of their collaboration.

Newsletter 40
Exhibition Opening Reception and Exhibition Dates
September 21–December 21 Opening reception: Friday, September 20, 6:00–8:00 p.m. Sullivan Galleries, 33 S. State St., 7th floor

Related Events including Lectures, Screenings, Workshops and Seminars
Visiting Artists Program Lecture: MOON Kyungwon and JEON Joonho

September 16, 6:00 p.m. SAIC Columbus Auditorium

뉴스 프럼 노웨어 전시가 지난 9월 21일 시카고 SAIC 설리번 갤러리에서 열렸다.
아트 엑스포, 월드뮤직 페스티벌등 시카고의 집중된 문화행사와 함께 많은 사람들이 전시 오픈식에 참석 하여 성황을 이뤘다.
이번 전시에서는 설리번 갤러리의 장소적 특성을 잘 해석한 전시 디자인이 돋보였는가하면 새롭게 제작한 ‘세상의 저편’ 후속작인 ‘순수존재’가 좋은 평으로 많은 주목을 끌었다.
특히 전시 기간 동안 세미나와 워크샵, 스크리닝 프로그램, 포럼과 강연이 계속해서 이루어지며, SAIC 교수진, 학생들과 함께하는 워크샵의 결과물도 앞으로 전시 같이 될 예정이다. 전시는 12월 21일까지 이어진다.

이에 앞서 문경원. 전준호 작가는 컬럼버스 오디토리움에서 16일 6시 300여명의 학생과 교수진들, 일반인들이 참석한 가운데 프로젝트의 소개와 작품에 대한 아티스트 토크를 진행하였다.
전시 오픈을 앞두고 뉴스프럼노웨어 프로젝트의 그 간의 행보와 전시 결과들의 과정 및 각 작가의 개인 작업 세계와 공동작업의 의의 등에 대해 소개하였다.