A Flower & Struggle Part 1
If a religion is the answer to finiteness, art is the question about finiteness.
- LEE Changdong
종교가 유한함에 대한 대답이라면 예술은 유한함에 대한 질문이다.
- 이창동

Lee Changdong
LEE was born in 1954 and was a well-known writer in the 1980s. In 1997, he made his debut as a film director with Chorok Mulkogi (Green Fish). Two years later, he was awarded the Jury’s Award at the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival (KVIFF) with his second film Bakhasatang (Mint Candy). His third film, Oasis, was awarded the Special Director’s Award at the Venice International Film Festival (VIFF). LEE had received a tremendous amount of international attention with just three films. In 2003, he was appointed Korea’s Minister of Culture. His most recent film, Shi (Poetry), was released in 2010 and was awarded the Prix du scenario (Best Screenplay) at the 63rd Cannes Film Festival (CFF). He is currently a professor at Korea National University of Arts’ School of Film, TV & Multimedia.
1954년 한국에서 태어난 이창동은 1980년대 주목받던 소설가였으나 1997년 를 시작으로 영화감독이 되었다. 두 번째 영화 이 카를로비바리영화제에서 심사위원특별상을 받고, 세 번째 영화 가 베네치아 국제영화제 감독상을 수상하며 단 3편의 영화로 세계적인 주목을 받게 되었다. 이후 2003년 대한민국 참여정부 시절 문화부장관을 지냈으며, 2010년 다섯 번째 영화 로 63회 칸영화제 각본상을 수상했다.
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