Born in 1941, Toyo Ito graduated from the University of Tokyo in 1965 and established his office in 1971. In the ’70s, he sought to erase conventional meaning from his works through minimalist tactics, and developed lightness in architecture that resembles air and wind. Since the completion of “Sendai Mediatheque” in 2001, he has been exploring architecture of the 21st century that goes beyond modernism’s purity and machine analogy, transcending architecture through autopoietic processes, transforming organic geometries into life-forms that reflect nature.
토요 이토
토요 이토는 개념 건축으로 잘 알려진 일본의 건축가로 주로 물리적이면서 동시에 가상적인 세계를 표현하는 방법을 모색한다. "가공된" 도시의 현대적 개념을 주창한 건축계의 선구자이며 "세계에서 가장 창의적이고 영향력 있는 건축가" 가운데 한 명으로 불리고 있다.