Three Vision From Far Site
(Yusaku IMAMURA )
Towards New Commons: New Technology for Constructing New Communal Space
(Yusaku IMAMURA )
Art is a window to the world. In times of crisis and revolution, what can art, artists, and the institutions of art do? What must we do? There is much we could learn simply by having taking the roles of art and artist, and the challenges before them, and putting them all together on the same table.
- Yusaku Imamura
카요코 이에무라 & 유사쿠 이마무라와의 대화
먼 곳에서 온 세 가지 비젼
(카요코 이에무라)
새로운 공유지를 향하여
(유사쿠 이마무라)
예술은 세상을 보는 창이다. 위기와 혁명의 시기에, 예술과 예술가들, 그리고 예술 기관들이 할 수 있는 일은 무엇인가? 우리는 무엇을 해야 하는가? 단순히 예술과 예술가의 역할 및 그들이 직면한 도전을 받아들이고 그 모든 것을 함께 고려함으로써 우리가 배울 수 있는 것이 많다.
- 유사쿠 이마무라

Kayoko Iemura
An architect and program director of the Tokyo Wonder Site, Kayoko Iemura completed a master’s degree in Architecture at the Graduate school of Fine Arts, Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music. She studied for a diploma as part of the Architectural Association (AA) School of Architecture, London. She has taken part in projects such as the Site of Reversible Destiny at Yoro Park together with Shusaku Arakawa and Madeline Gins. Since 2001, she has planned and managed programs to support and nurture emerging artists at the Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture, Tokyo Wonder Site, curating exhibitions such as Out of the Blue, Diorama of the City: Between Site & Space and The Beautiful Earth/Vik Muniz. She is also involved in producing a wide range of programs that include collaborations between contemporary music and culture, such as the TOKYO EXPERIMENTAL FESTIVAL SOUND·ART·PERFORMANCE. As part of different residency programs, she is carrying out projects associated with the rapidly changing world such as On the Agenda of the Arts and On-Site Lab Workshop: Creative Dialogue and Commitment to the Environment.
Yusaku Imamura
Imamura is Counselor on Special Issues to the Governor, Tokyo Metropolitan Government, and supervises cultural affairs. Since appointed in 2001, Imamura has worked on creating new cultural policies for Tokyo. The focus of his work lies in creative industries, society design and specially nurturing creative talents. Earlier, Imamura worked on several international museums, theatres and art projects as an architect. Imamura is also Director of Tokyo Wonder Site (TWS). TWS is a new creative platform in Tokyo which focuses on supporting emerging creators, international cultural exchanges, and profound experimentation, with the intention of heightening arts and culture in Tokyo. Imamura also serves as a cultural advisor for the United Nations University in Tokyo; as an international program advisor for Haus der Kulturen der Welt in Berlin; as a member of the Board of Directors, Res Artis, Worldwide Network of Artist Residencies; and was a visiting scholar at Columbia University in New York (1991?1992).
유사쿠 이마무라 & 카요코 이에무라
유사쿠 이마무라는 젊은 예술가들의 활동을 지원하는 일본의 대표적 창작 공간 도쿄 원더사이트의 디렉터이다. 건축가이자 도쿄 원더사이트의 프로그램 디렉터인 카요코 이에무라는 슈사쿠 아라가와, 매들린 긴즈 부부와 함께 요로 공원을 무대로 ‘운명을 거스르는 장소’와 같은 프로젝트를 진행했으며 이후 주거, 농업, 음식, 의류 등 인간에게 필요한 보편적 삶과 관련한 프로젝트를 진행하는 ‘라이프스케이프 어소시에이션’을 설립했다. 2001년부터 카요코는 도쿄 원더사이트에서 신진작가 육성 및 지원, 다양한 예술 분야의 협업을 통해 확장된 창조성을 교환하는 다양한 프로그램을 운영해오고 있다.

Kayoko Iemura

Yusaku Imamura
Related newsletter:
Round Table: Silent Voice_On the Agenda of the Arts
뉴스레터 보러가기:
라운드 테이블: 고요한 목소리, 예술의 의제에 대하여